
Contact Us

Please feel free to make use of the addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses supplied in this web site to contact us. You may be new to the area. Or, perhaps you are having to face illness, or you know someone else who is ill. In any case, would a caring, pastoral visit be meaningful to you? Whatever your situation and whatever your need, please be encouraged to get in touch.

Minister - Rev Terry Burns (01349 877452) terrance.burns1955@yahoo.com TBurns@churchofscotland.org.uk

Session Clerk: Margaret Kinsman (01349 877631) sessionclerkccc@gmail.com

Clerk to Congregational Board: Stuart Lindsay (01349888724) 

Treasurer: Shiona Watson (01349 865077) shiona.watson@btinternet.com

Property Convener: Stuart Lindsay

Elders: Margaret Kinsman, Stuart Lindsay, Maureen Rose, Andrea Rodway, Linda Lindsay, Anne Fraser, Mairi Wallace, Hector MacDonald, Joan Matheson, Richard Fyfe, Mike Rattenbury

Bank details:

Royal Bank of Scotland

Resolis & Urquhart Church of Scotland

Sort Code: 83-15-17

Business Account No. 00638931

A Gift Aid form is available for printing can be found here.  It can be handed in at Church or posted to the Treasurer;

Ms Shiona Watson, Moorvale, Station Road, Conon Bridge, IV7 8AA.

For any queries or suggestions for the web site or additions to the Diary, please contact the Web Master.


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