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23 July 2024Order of Service for Sunday 28th July now posted.

21 July 2024Recording of Service for 21st July is available.

21 July 2024Prayer Sheet & Notices for 21st July posted

The Prayer Sheet & Notices can be found here.

12 July 2024Line Dancing

Line dancing has finished for this season and will re-commence in September.

07 July 2024Basis of Union paperwork.

The Basis of Union paperwork can be accessed from the menu "Presbytery Mission Plan" and from here

01 July 2024Latest sunday school creations now available Sunday, June 30th

In Gallery and on "Sunday School Creations" page.

23 June 2024Muir Christian Men

Details of "Muir Christian Men" can be found here. This brings back pleasant memories of our own "Man Friday" Group sessions.

Dear Terry,

I run a group for men once a month in our church hall at Muir of Ord. I have attached a note of the format for this.  It is open to all churches around us and for those who don’t even attend church.  I would like to invite any men in your church who would find it of interest.  We attract several Free Churches to our meetings but so far are lacking in Church of Scotland men apart from our own church fellows.  We generally have around 20 – 30 each night and good speakers. It would be great to see some of your males coming along.  Hopefully, that can happen.  Some of them already know me from past Presbytery meetings, etc.

Blessings, Duncan Cromb. Session Clerk

12 June 2024Duties rota for July, August and September now available.

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