We live stream the Sunday Service on Facebook and Youtube at 10.30am.
Every Tuesday - Church Cafe - 1.30pm to 3.45pm.
Every Wednesday - Line Dancing - 10am CCC
Every Thursday - Walking Group - 10am No more walks until further notice.
Click on image to enlarge - printable version available from "News headlines".
Monday 3rd - Ferintosh Church of Scotland, Conon Bridge - 2pm. Mr Alistair Cameron to speak at our next meeting on the subject of "Important and interesting buildings in the local area." See "News Headlines".
Thursday 6th - Praise, Prayer, Study led by Mike and Carol – 7.30pm Ths topic will be "Assisted dieing".
Sunday 9th - Morning Worship at 10.30am. Conducted by Terry Burns. Prayer for healing or any other concerns available after the service.
Sunday 16th - Communion.