We live stream the Sunday Service on Facebook and Youtube at 10.30am.
Click on image to enlarge.
Foodbank list for September and October now available. Printable version here.
Session Clerk challenge is for small tins of ham.
Every Tuesday - Church Cafe - 1.30pm to 3.45pm.
Line Dancing will recommence in September - Linda Lindsay.
Every Thursday - Walking Group - 10am CCC
Thursday 19th - Women's Fellowship – Talk on Tearfund with Jamie Grant. This an open invitation to the congregation. It would be good to have a good turn out to learn about the valuable work that Tearfund & their partners are involved in.
Sunday 22nd - Morning Worship at 10.30am. Conducted by Rev. Terry Burns. Prayer for healing or any other concerns, available after the service.
Tuesday 24th - Macmillan Cancer Fundraiser from 12 Noon
Tuesday 24th - Meeting involving both Kirk Sessions of our new united charge - 7.30pm.
Thursday 26th - Prayer, Praise & Study – led by Mike